Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I've been postponing this inaugural post in the hopes that a unifying theme for this blog would manifest magically. Unfortunately.. nothing. So for the time being, here's what's currently sloshing around my noggin.

Perfection is overrated. 100%. When I was young--which in reality, was like 5 years ago--I always strived for perfection: perfect grades, perfect behavior.. perfect hair. Well, I actually haven't given up on that last one. Anyway, it's not all it's cracked up to be. The things that fall to the wayside during your quest for the holy grail are, a lot of times, much more important. More on this to come. (Probably a lot more, if I'm being honest. This disillusionment of the concept of "perfection" still plagues me all the time.)

I think I've never realized how messed up my head is. I don't trust people. Sounds cliche, I know. I guess learning to depend on me has had a greater effect on my overall psyche than I imagined. Especially when I am trying to let someone new into my life. It bothers me sometimes but I still think it necessary for basic survival on your own. I hate needing people. I hate depending on people. Especially when I know in the back of my mind that they don't have to be there tomorrow. Yeah.. pretty screwed up.

Life's a mess. I compare it to cleaning your room (or at least my room). Mostly because it needs to get messier before it can get cleaner. I think I'm in the "get messier" phase of my life right now. It's a jumble and sometimes I don't know what I'm looking at because there's avenues that have potential. First world problem? I know I'm lucky, it's just frustrating to try to make a decision that will (literally) affect the rest of my life.

Okay, I think that's enough for now. Stay tuned for more nonsensical ramblings!

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