Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Double-Edged Sword of Agreement.

Agreeing with what someone says is always the safe thing to do. No one is going to flip shit because you agree with them. (Well, maybe I might but I feel like I'm an outlier on this.) Anyway. But how far can you really get just agreeing with people? Professionally, no one graduates beyond "favorite pee-on" when they only agree with what the boss has to say. People need FRICTION to progress, especially in corporate America. Or anywhere, really. Sure you can be the number one sidekick but you'll stay a sidekick forever unless you prove your worth by fighting back (and being right, of course..)

Even in relationships, agreeing is not everything. Passion comes from fighting and without passion, you really have nothing. I hate having someone go along with everything I say just because they think it'll appease me. Grow a backbone, for crying out loud! I like to be pushed. It forces me to push back--which is half the fun of interacting with people, right? That constant push and pull of a relationship is what keeps things interesting. At least for me.

Overall, I think I like conflict.

That is all.

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