Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Life Truths.

Wrote this a year ago. Still think it's applicable though.

if there's one thing i can be sure i learned during my time in college, it's how to live in the real world. having grown up in a small community, my version of reality was different than the "reality" of reality. here are a few bits of wisdom i've collected over the past couple years.

pretty people actually ARE winners. despite what you've heard about "beauty being from within," the fact of the matter is that life is easier for the better looking. in fact, psychologists have given a name to this phenomenon: the halo effect. it's legit, google it.

working hard is for chumps. yup, i said it. once upon a time, i thought success was directly correlated to how much effort you put into something but i can attest to the fact that, in reality, it is not. successful people became that way through fortunate circumstances that worked in conjunction with enough genuine competence to yield good results.. not necessarily because they worked harder than the guy next to them.

cheaters will cheat and most of the time they won't get caught. screw the people that think "cheaters never prosper." they actually prosper in a very big way and there's nothing you can do to stop them. cutting academic corners is a trending theme on college campuses but who actually turns these people in?

as an addendum, infidelity also goes undetected for most people. such scandal only happened in tv shows or tabloids and never touched my life until my best friend had to face an STD panel because her long distance boyfriend was f*ing other girls for sport. now THAT is a harsh slap of reality. while i'm on it, forget fairy tales. that shit never happens for real.

nice people will finish dead last. sad truth, folks. jerks usually come out on top.

nepotism DOES make the world go 'round. while actual skills are required to get to the tippy top rung of the professional ladder--i mean, we need our best and brightest to actually be capable of something--knowing the right people can still take you leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else.

rules are only rules for people that choose to abide by them. in actuality, anyone can find a loophole if they look hard enough (or act cute enough).

the fact of the matter is that you will fail in life (hopefully only sporadically), life will be unfair to you (sometimes to your advantage, more oftentimes to your disadvantage), and there's pretty much nothing you can do about either. but that's how the cookie crumbles--what of it?

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